Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It pays to ask: Target Practice on Vermont State Lands

> Hi Mike,
> Is it legal to safely use firearms for target practice away from other people and buildings in State owned and other publically owned lands?
> Thanks

Date sent: Mon, 30 May 2005 05:58:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Target practice

Yes, it is legal to use state lands for target practice. Where we sometimes have problems is where a de-facto firing range becomes established in an inappropriate location on state lands which interferes with other users, management objectives, bothers nearby neighbors, and/or becomes trashed due to overuse.

However, if one uses common sense, picks anb appropriate location, is safe about it, and picks up after themselves, then there should be no problems. Although it is not required, you may want to check with our district office that is responsible for managing the state lands that you are interested in using. They may be able to give you some advise as to where best to go, etc. Let me know what state lands you are interested in and I can provide a district contact.
Thanks for asking!

Mike Fraysier
ANR Lands Director

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