Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Japan pulling troops from Iraq

...Nukaga issued an order for the withdrawal to begin later Tuesday. The Yomiuri newspaper reported the target for completing the pullout was the end of July.

Polls showed half or more of the Japanese public opposed the dispatch, and many were concerned about the safety of troops in Iraq and the possibility that the dispatch would make Japan a target of terrorists.

WIMPS! Look I don't care for Japan's militarization, even if it does cost the US and their allies billions to maintain security in that part of Asia. They lost the war and have forgotten their roots. A country that claims to be passifistic? You got a lot more to prove than spending your last 60 years of protesting war. What about more than 600 years of on and off war in one of the longest lived feudal societies?

They are afraid of terrorists? What the hell aren't they afraid of. This country has more restrictions based on silly notions of what's dangerous without considering the larger picture. They are zenophobic and their social structure reflects as much within their borders.

Ahh, take your troops and go home. Whatever. Go play footsie with Kim Jong Il.

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