Saturday, June 23, 2007

Latin Quotes?

What is up with all of the Latin quotes on gun forums?
"Mao periculosam libertatem quam quietam servitutem"
("Rather a dangerous liberty than a peaceful servitude")
Thomas Jefferson
"Una salus victus nullam sperare salutem"
(The one hope of the doomed is not to hope for safety)
Does using quotes from a different language make people feel like they are smarter than they actually are? Does Latin remind them of their childhoods in ancient Rome? Wow, you must be not only a learned scholar, but a Spartan warfighter too. I'm so happy for all you.

All I see is a bunch of armchair internet commandos posing as intellectual warriors... Latin quote = I'm SMART, I'm SMART!


Anonymous said...

It's almost as bad as a blog full of posts with, each with zero comments.

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur

semper ubi sub ubi

Anonymous said...


I remember the "underwear" one from latin class, but the first one was new to me!

Yeah, I've been ripping on the right... it's a bad habit...

I got plenty to say on the socialist-leftists, probably even more.

But I'm not here to just rant. I just want to start shooting again!

I just hope my lame marksmanship will one day be better than my lame blogging skills!

Doc Merlin said...

The reason for the quotes is that the romans, particularly the early Romans had a lot of wise things to say about defense.

Anonymous said...

"Childhood" is singular.

Cogito ergo bibo!

Anonymous said...

"Cogito ergo bibo!" - nice one!

I was referring to the collection of childhood and I think it's OK to pluralize them.

It's like talk about a tank full of fish: if you have a handful of goldfish, a few guppies, and 10 Piranha; you can say for example...

"The fishes live in harmony".

Anonymous said...

Doc Merlin -
An excellent point! I have to admit that I never thought about that.

And I suppose that English's close relation to Latin makes it more likely that we'd use Latin rather than Chinese (quoting Sun Tzu) or Japanese (quoting Miyamoto Musashi).

However, I still think that most of the Latin quotes used out on the internet by Conservatives are not the same Conservatives who know much about Roman strategies... but that is a huge assumption on my part.

Anonymous said...
