Monday, April 16, 2007

Stressed out over ammo

I don't usually pay much attention to my dreams. But I had a slightly disturbing one last night and I know it's mostly because I'm relatively stressed out in my situation right now. No big deal.

In the dream, I was in a huge house with two elementary school friends - now grown up as well. We had to defend ourselves in the house from hoards of people or things outside. I know, cliche zombie movie. That much was entertaining. I had my small arsenal to which my friends added a couple firearms of their own. I only remember a .357 magnum revolver because I didn't have any rounds for it.

Which brings me to the heart of the "nightmare". We were adequately armed with various handguns and long arms, but I was haunted by the realization that we didn't have many rounds to fend off the intermittent waves of attackers. A few shot shells, a hand full of pistol rounds and a few mags worth of rifle rounds. That was it.

Once I woke up, I began to realize that I don't have a suitable stockpile of ammunition at home or cached away. I only have a total of about 500 rounds, not including about 500 rimfire rounds. I was planning on really building up what I have at hand, but I think I should really consider what I want to keep in stock. I'm not planning on an invasion. I just want to keep a comfortable cache for those "dry" times.

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