Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A change of title

This used to be "The Liberal Gunner" blog.

I'm sick of that label. I'm tired of the greed-based politics. And I'm tired of people thinking that IF I were a liberal then I'd abolish gun ownership. I'm tired of people thinking that IF I were a conservative then I'd outlaw every abortion and ban contraceptives.

I was raised with certain traditions that define me and separate me from others. But, I live in a country that has taught me how to live comfortably and amicably with others. Yet, I hone my awareness and preparedness for the probable outcome of misfortune.

Somethings are worth drawing lines in the sand for. Individual rights, gun ownership, a woman's choice, rule of law, progressive taxation, and the right to education are some of those things.

So I may not fit in the "box". And I might dull the "cookie cutter". And some people may not like what I say. But you know what... I don't like people anyhow. Most folks just piss me off anyhow, on the inside. (That doesn't mean I won't listen to them though.)


Anonymous said...

Excellent; I seem to be in the ame bat as you.

I'm fed up of being defined by people applying labels.

I'm left leaning so according to the right I'm a communist who wants to ban all guns; according to the left I'm a gun nut!

Who gives a s**t!

Anonymous said...

That should have read "I seem to be in the same boat as you"... it's the keyboard... honestly.

Anonymous said...

I appeared in my local weekly newspaper with an AK-47 and a John Kerry T-shirt in an article about atypical gun owners. Most people in Kentucky aren't able to metabolize that apparent incongruity.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess there are three of us. And my wife makes 4. Actually I think that there are a lot more.

I think that there are a lot of folks on both sides who are out to pick our pockets.

And they love to have permanent issues that won't ever be resolved because of the Constitution.

Like abortion and gun control. So they can wave a picture of a pistol or a fetus to rouse the faithful. And do symbolic things on those issues, while the substantive activity is picking our pockets in various ways.

So the answer is:

1. don't get so bent out of shape on the trigger issues

2. Watch where the money goes.

Having said that, I'm pro-gun and pro-choice. I even think we need that socialized medicine stuff. For capitalistic reasons.

my tagline on the smith and wesson forum is:

Frighten everyone, be a left wing gun nut.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. I'm a public health researcher, a volunteer police officer, and I've never voted for anyone but Democrats... I'm also finishing up my latest AR build. So yes, I understand exactly what you mean about cognitive dissonance when I tell this to others! BTW, I'm moving to Lexington, KY in a few months... Any good rifle ranges out there?

p.s. National health insurance doesn't equal "socialized medicine", though many would have you believe that!

Unknown said...

This is kind of funny. I found your blog through google and I think you have very similar opinions on politics and gun ownership as myself. Left leaning and sick of all the labels.

Gun ownership may have become the enemy of so-called progressives but I don't believe that banning it or restricting it in certain areas is at all progressive. It's kind of like religion. Some people think the right is religious and the left are atheists. It simply is untrue.

Anonymous said...

Hey Derrick, it's nice to know there are "others" out there who are "sick of all the labels". They're useful to a limited point when trying to understand a fluid and dynamic system. It's even comfortable at times to belong to a group, but they limit our individuality and everybody understands that on some level. So why do we keep binding others to labels, I don't know. Perhaps it's our current state of "being human".

There needs to be constant reminders that these rights were carved out of stone with the blood of good people. I think to be a "evolutionary" kind of person is to keep your roots and grown upwards. I'd wish those in the left-leaning camps would understand that. We don't have to throw away our fundamental rights to endow others. Imagine a tree trying to grow out of the ground, upwards without roots?

Can't our debates over the Constitution and bill of rights be kept in the perspective of what was intended then and how we can apply it now?

Thanks again Derrick.