Sunday, September 17, 2006

Akins Accelerator(TM)

This is an interesting accessory. 650+rpm without a class 3 license? I had to take a good look at the website to figure out what exactly do they mean by this proposition. It sure looks like they've pulled it off. The Ruger 10/22 becomes a rapid fire semiautomatic weapon.

I wonder if stuff like this, if it becomes popular across other weapon platforms, will help facilitate banning semiautomatics in the future? If nothing else they might redefine the term "machine gun". For example, "... more than one round discharged through a single 'motion' of the hand." Where a "motion" might be a flexing of a muscle or some other stupid legal definition.

Would you buy one? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Everything will be banned soon. Look at the laws in NY state if you want to see what a Democratic Congress and Presidency will look like. We can't own squat. We just need to be good obedient servents of communism. You are fortunate to be able to own so many fine guns.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, but I'm even worse off than you right now. I'm living about 7,000 miles away from my collection of firearms. For the past couple of years, I've only been able to shoot during my summers. That's right... only about 300-400 rounds a year.

It's one of the reasons why I'm seriously considering moving back to America - so that I can excercise my freedoms and live once again as an American citizen.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't buy one, but only because they are a thousand dollars, and that's retarded for a zytel stock.
As for the Democratic congress crack, The republicans have controled the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Federal Government for a while now, and I don't recall any pro-gun legislation occuring.
That's because neither team actually cares about guns, they just use that as a wedge issue so they can get us to vote without them actually doing anything job-like.