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"Gun" (January 2006) from Japan ran an article on the Calico carbines and it got me interested in this firearm. I've been having trouble finding their home page. I'll keep looking for it. For now, here's some information on where to pick one up, if you're interested. I'd like to try one out at the range for kicks. They look like fun to shoot.
2 comments: based here in Reno, Nevada. Every time they're hiring I bug them to death, but they haven't hired me yet. Damn...
I hate liberals, but I'm also against the death penalty, (unless its at the hands of a potential rape victim), and I also think gays should be able to do whatever the hell they want, and I think that federal laws against machine guns, drugs, and switchblades, arent even marginally constitutional, in fact I know they arent.You should be able to own whatever you can fit in your house. Except, maybe anthrax. And by the way, the current military action in Iraq, is , without a doubt, one of the most concise, restrained and successful military actions in the history of the world. Almost immediate apprehension of the regimes leadership, two successful democratic elections, the lowest loss of life on both sides in the history of warfare, miniscule structural damage, tens of thousands of engineering projects, it goes on and on. But Gonzales fires 9 prosecutors, perfectly legally, and that damn near gets its own tv channel, but when clinton personally ordered the firing of 93 yes, 93 prosecutors, barely a blurb. Whilst feminists work fervently to elect, then re-elect the biggest chauvinist pig in American political history, who by the way, certainly violently raped Juanita Broaddrick, and likely many others , with credible evidence going back to 1968, regarding his sexual, sometimes violent attacks. Yes liberals, you have a mental disorder, you live in a land where it rains strawberry lemonade, as you skip down lollipop lane to sit by the chocolate love pond.
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